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Welcome to our blog online at Denver Restorative Dentistry. On our blog, we will regularly publish valuable content. Come back often to see the latest from our prosthodontists and team.

Why You Might Need a Full Mouth Reconstruction To Restore Your Healthy Smile

Taking good care of your smile involves daily oral care and routine dental exams and cleanings. Even so, there are times when your oral health may still run into trouble. Whether from tooth damage or dental decay there are treatments that can address these issues and restore your mouth and smile back to full function and an aesthetic appearance. Our... read more »

Suffering From Bad Breath? We Offer Halitosis Treatment!

If you constantly find yourself battling bad breath, you are not alone. Bad breath, or halitosis, can make your life miserable if you are always feeling self-conscious when you are around others. There are a myriad of factors that could be causing your bad breath, and we highly recommend seeing your doctor and our team to root out the source... read more »

Four Things You Might Not Know About Keeping Your Smile Healthy

At Denver Restorative Dentistry in Broomfield, Colorado, our dentists, Taylor Goggins and D. Brian Aguirre are pleased to support your efforts to achieve strong oral health for a lifetime of smiles. Let's look at four things you can do to keep your smile healthier.  #1 Dental Flossing Brushing only cleans 50% of your tooth surfaces, because 50% of the harmful... read more »

Ways to Prevent Staining on Your Teeth

There are ways to prevent tooth enamel from staining when you eat and drink. Dr. Taylor Goggins and our team in Broomfield, Colorado understand that enjoying your daily coffee or cranberry juice with breakfast is important even though they can stain your smile. Check out the following tips you can take to limit tooth stains. --Using a straw: Sipping staining... read more »