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Drs. Goggins, Aguirre, Chertok and Gittins can perform tooth extractions in Broomfield, Colorado. Our experienced prosthodontists and team at Denver Restorative Dentistry will be very gentle, helping you to have a comfortable procedure and recovery. If you have questions about getting a tooth extraction, call our office at 303-586-1019. You can also request an appointment on our website for high-quality restorative dentistry.

FAQ: Tooth Extraction at Denver Restorative Dentistry

Why should I consider tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is often considered a last resort but can be necessary for several reasons including severe decay, infection, overcrowding, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment. At Denver Restorative Dentistry, our experienced Prosthodontists in Broomfield, CO, ensure the procedure is as comfortable and efficient as possible, prioritizing your oral health and well-being.

What benefits can I expect from tooth extraction?

Undergoing a tooth extraction can lead to a variety of benefits, such as:

  • Alleviation of Pain and Discomfort: Removing a problematic tooth can immediately relieve pain and prevent further oral health issues.
  • Prevention of Further Damage: Extraction can stop the spread of decay or disease to neighboring teeth and gum tissue.
  • Improvement in Oral Health: It creates a healthier mouth environment and makes way for restorative procedures.
  • Enhanced Aesthetic and Function: For overcrowded mouths, extraction can lead to better alignment and, with subsequent restorative work, improve the look and function of your smile.

Is tooth extraction safe?

Absolutely. At Denver Restorative Dentistry, our team of expert Prosthodontists and dental specialists in Broomfield, CO, utilize the latest techniques and equipment to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients. We follow stringent sterilization and procedural protocols to minimize risks and promote a quick recovery.

What can I expect during the extraction process?

Your comfort and understanding are our priorities. Initially, we’ll conduct a thorough examination, possibly including digital X-rays, to assess the best approach. Local anesthesia will be administered to numb the area, ensuring a pain-free experience. If necessary, sedation options are available. The extraction itself is quick, and we provide detailed aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery.

How do I care for my mouth after a tooth extraction?

Post-extraction care is crucial for healing. We’ll provide you with specific instructions, which generally include:

  • Resting and avoiding strenuous activity for a day or two.
  • Applying an ice pack to the area to reduce swelling.
  • Eating soft foods and gradually reintroducing harder foods as the extraction site heals.
  • Avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw to prevent dry socket.
  • Following a diligent oral hygiene routine, being gentle around the extraction site.

Why choose Denver Restorative Dentistry for your tooth extraction?

Choosing Denver Restorative Dentistry in Broomfield, CO, means opting for a team of highly skilled Prosthodontists who are dedicated to providing exceptional care and results. We use cutting-edge technology and personalized treatment plans to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. Our practice is known for its compassionate approach and commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction.

How can I schedule an appointment?

Scheduling an appointment is simple. Visit our website, or call our Broomfield, CO, office directly. Our friendly staff will help find a convenient time for your visit and answer any preliminary questions you might have.

Choosing to proceed with a tooth extraction can be a significant decision, but at Denver Restorative Dentistry, we’re committed to guiding you through the process with care and expertise. Contact us today to take the first step towards improving your oral health and well-being.

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