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Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, and it plays a crucial role in your self-esteem and overall well-being. However, life can sometimes throw unexpected challenges at us, leading to dental issues that may require specialized care. When it comes to restoring and maintaining your healthy, beautiful smile, a prosthodontist is the expert you need. In today’s blog, we’ll explore why seeing a prosthodontist is vital for your oral health and continued quality of life.

1-Expertise in Complex Dental Restorations

Drs. Goggins, Aguirre, Pitz, Poineal, Chertok and Gittins, our highly-trained prosthodontists focus on the restoration and replacement of your damaged or missing teeth. Each has undergone extensive education and clinical training, completing an additional three years of postgraduate study after dental school. This specialized training equips them with the knowledge and skills to handle complex dental cases, including full-mouth rehabilitation, dental implants and intricate cosmetic procedures.

2-Customized Treatment Plans

Your dental needs are unique, and our skilled prosthodontists excel in creating personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific requirements. Are you missing one tooth, or do you need a complete smile makeover? Our prosthodontists can assess your condition comprehensively and develop a customized plan to achieve the best results for you.

3-Dental Implant Specialists

Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. Drs. Goggins, Aguirre, Pitz, Poineal, Chertok and Gittins are experts in implant dentistry, ensuring that your implants are placed correctly and integrate seamlessly with your natural teeth and jawbone. They can also create custom-made prosthetic teeth that blend in seamlessly with the color, shape, and function of your natural teeth.

4-Comprehensive Restorative Care

Our prosthodontists can address a wide range of dental issues, including tooth decay, trauma, congenital disorders, and even complications from previous dental work. From dental cleanings and exams, our comprehensive approach ensures that your dental health is restored to its optimal state.

5-Cosmetic Excellence

Our prosthodontists don’t just focus on functionality but also on the aesthetics of your smile. They have the expertise to enhance your smile’s appearance while maintaining its natural look. From teeth whitening and veneers to crowns and bridges, Drs. Goggins, Aguirre, Pitz, Poineal, Chertok and Gittins can create a smile that can boost your confidence.

6-Long-Term Solutions

Our prosthodontists prioritize long-lasting solutions using high-quality materials made in our own dental lab along with advanced techniques to ensure that your dental restorations stand the test of time. Investing in prosthodontic care means fewer dental issues in the future and a smile that lasts a lifetime.

Call Denver Restorative Dentistry Today!

Seeing our prosthodontists in Broomfield, Colorado, is essential if you are seeking comprehensive, specialized care for your dental needs. Whether you have missing teeth, damaged teeth, or simply want to enhance your smile’s beauty, our prosthodontists can provide expert guidance and treatment. Your smile is worth the investment and is the key to achieving and maintaining a healthy, radiant smile for years to come. Call 303-586-1019 to schedule an appointment with our team. Our restorative dentistry services are just what you are searching for!